Love is many things. It's a rollercoaster, sometimes it goes down, but when you go up again, it feels like you're on top of the world. It's like chocolate. Even a small piece can pick you up, but eat too much and you'll get sick. It's like your favorite song. When you hear it, you play it over and over again but play it for too long and you'll miss out on all the other sounds. And like the ever-present (and annoying :D) cliche, love is like a rosary, full of mysteries. But its true isn't it? One person can affect you so much without lifting a finger or saying a word. It all seems stupid and some even say it's silly but, for the non-believers, when you feel those butterflies making a merciless stampede in your stomach, we'll see how the tides turn.
Honestly, I don't know a thing about LOVE LOVEEE, c'mon, I'm only fourteen. Like who am I to tell you about this stuff? But I do know that I love someone, someone really special. I do know how it feels like to be at your lowest point and have someone not give up on you, not even then. It's the best feeling in the world, and I guess that's why everyone's going all crazy for love. It doesn't always have to be someone of the opposite sex (teenagers, waddup my people!), it can be your mom, your dad, your friend, anyone really. Because I believe love is not about possession, it's about thinking about someone else first before yourself. Making someone else happy makes you happy, then you know you"re head over heels in love. I'm writing this because I'm inspired (by someone? Those close to me or those who have an instagram know the answer :D).
( Sweater - @chickpickss; Creepers - @androgynemanila; Shorts - thrifted; Flower crown - DIY)
I wore this outfit because it reminds me of me, and a relationship I have with a person. Simply sweet, but everything would be boring without a hint of mystery. Creepers are the badass mystery ovah here, adding a bit of my edge to the otherwise GIRLY outfit. (bleeeeek :D)
To top it all off, here is a poem I wrote:
"Worry not, dear, your heart string,
tuned fine like a blazing song,
is an angel's choir in my ear.
Worry not, love, your tears
in the midst of falling,
heaven's rain upon earth
Worry not, grace, your soul
cracking under my weight
beautiful, rich, just like your favorite tune
Worry not, angel, your hands,
battered purple, bleeding
still strong like love demands
Worry not, darling, your flowers
not far from a tangible dream
I'll keep the petals in my pages"
- Petals,Lia Paderon
Live long and love strong!
Lia ❁❁❁
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